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The Vision: The Power of Behavioral Modification

What’s the Behavioral Modification?

“Your Beliefs Don’t Make You A Better Person. Your Behavior Does.”

“Social Media is driven by a powerful behavioral pattern: people tend to repeat actions that result in social recognition. The reason people continue to post on Facebook and Twitter is for the social recognition of likes, comments, and shares on their content.”Dean Grey

You post a photo on Instagram, and two minutes later you check your phone to see if someone liked it. Skylab takes this addictive pattern, pairs it with the most popular and effective features of major social networking apps like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, etc. and integrates it all into a Gamified solution. SKYLAB Apps took the most positive social addictive behaviors such as WhatsApp, YouTube, Recognition Walls, and Content on Demand and then integrated them into one platform, allowing influencers to chat easily, educate, reward and train their audiences.

Behavioral Modification*

*Behavioral Modification Definition: the alteration of behavioral patterns through the use of such learning techniques as biofeedback and positive or negative reinforcement.

“Change the way you see things, and the things you see will change.”

Behavior Modification Techniques

There are five categories of activities that can be addressed with behavior modification techniques:

  1. Develop a new behavior

  2. Strengthen a behavior

  3. Maintain an established behavior

  4. Stop inappropriate behavior

  5. Modify emotional behavior

The Behavioral Modification’s definition from Skylab’s CEO & Founder Dean Grey:  At first glance, the topic of behavior modification seems like something out of a George Orwell novel. It conjures images of mindless individuals acting beyond their best interests because their brains have been tampered with. The truth though, is far from this bleak assumption. Behavior modification is a technique used by professionals, as well as individuals, in order to make desirable changes in their actions or thought processes. It is the same process we use to develop new habits such as waking up earlier, going to the gym, and eating healthy. The benefits of behavior modification are numerous, particularly the way in which it makes accomplishing often mundane or undesirable tasks much easier.

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Defining Behavior in Behavior Modification Techniques

In the behavior modification theory, all behavior is defined as being externally controlled by aspects of the environment. In this sense, both inside and outside of our body constitutes an environment. For example, behaviorists believe that if a person sees a lion and runs away, he is not running because he is “scared.” Instead, he is running because those that did not run in the past died, and therefore the urge to run is a result of the survival of those that ran and lived to pass on their genes. Also, the subjective feeling of being “scared” is considered a fight or flight reflex, not an emotion. The heart races and adrenaline increases as the central nervous system reacts to the “environment” of the body. Therefore, anything a person does, from snoring to talking, can be a target for behavior modification.

One of Skylab’s Ambassadors: Bill Harris. He has been involved in personal development for nearly 40 years as a seeker, teacher, public speaker, author, musician, composer, therapist, workshop leader, and business owner. He has studied and practiced a wide range of traditional and modern transformational and therapeutic practices with a variety of teachers and is the creator of Holosync® audio technology, used by well over two million people in 193 countries.                                                                                                                     Learn more on his website

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