Gamified Challenges
Skylab provides the most gamified platform in the world, and that’s why we come with the best features.

These challenges are like a scavenger hunt – each step can reveal a prize, with a bigger prize at the end.
All the screenshots come from The MindMovies app.
The Mind Movies App allows users to watch powerful video vision boards directly on their iPhone, iPad, or other mobile devices, giving them the world’s #1 visualization tool right at their fingertips. A Mind Movie utilizes the power of the Law of Attraction by helping users to visualize their desired goals, by watching a short 3-minute video filled with positive affirmations, inspiring images and motivating music.

Users can be rewarded with recognition, promo codes, small prizes, or discounts along the way, with the more significant prize at the end.
These challenges are perfect for a checklist-style list of actions you want your users to take, or geographic places you want them to go.

Contest info screen of how to win and the reward
Customize the How to Win screen to display the contest info and reward
“People generally feel good when they achieve something, which is why these challenges are so effective for companies, students, and many others, because it motivates them to play and ultimately learn something”Dean Grey, Entrepreneur, CEO & Founder of Skylab apps
Photo Verify the steps to Complete the Challenges

Here, a challenge uses the native feature from the smartphone; the camera. In order to succeed this challenge, users have to upload photos which will be verified. The more users go along the challenge’s steps, and bigger will be the prize.

All the achievements will be displayed as Gamified Badges in your profile.
Redeem Prizes
